Can you share a sandbox service (give someone else access to an unreleased app)?

I have a service running in the sandbox on
Is it possible to share the current status of the sandbox without publishing the service?

Hi and welcome @majeed.malik,

can you describe what you mean with “share the current status”?

If you mean, that you want to give someone else access to an unreleased app:

  1. You (as the app owner) need to start the app in a project, where the other user has access
  2. Provide the link to the app to the user
  3. The user needs an active calponia session (just open and login if not already done)

Note: This answer is outdated with calponia 0.5.1. With this version the new app-publish workflow will be released. There are several ways, how apps can be published.

Yes, with “share the current status” i mean, to give someone else access to an unreleased app.
Thanks for the reply!