I have a service running in the sandbox on https://calponia.bosch.com.
Is it possible to share the current status of the sandbox without publishing the service?
Hi and welcome @majeed.malik,
can you describe what you mean with “share the current status”?
If you mean, that you want to give someone else access to an unreleased app:
- You (as the app owner) need to start the app in a project, where the other user has access
- Provide the link to the app to the user
- The user needs an active calponia session (just open calponia.bosch.com and login if not already done)
Note: This answer is outdated with calponia 0.5.1. With this version the new app-publish workflow will be released. There are several ways, how apps can be published.
Yes, with “share the current status” i mean, to give someone else access to an unreleased app.
Thanks for the reply!