POST-Request not working with "Reverse Proxy"?

Hello everyone, I have a REACT application that uses POST requests to communicate with a service in my application. For example, the following request is sent from the browser.


With the following docker compose file (shortend to focus):


      context: .
      dockerfile: rest2mqtt-mapper/Dockerfile
      - 8080:80

      context: .
      dockerfile: ui/Dockerfile
      - 3000:3000
      - ""
      - "com.calponia.networking.0.port=3000"
      - ""
      - "com.calponia.networking.1.port=80"
      - "com.calponia.networking.1.match.0.uri.prefix=/r2mm/"
      - "com.calponia.networking.1.match.0.ignoreUriCase=true"
      - "com.calponia.networking.1.rewrite.uri=/"


I was hoping that the request would be forwarded as follows.


With Istio / Virtual Service I was not able to solve the problem.

Unfortunately, it seems that nothing is reaching the container. Instead, the browser receives a 404 error from istio. Any idea what I am doing wrong?

So far the UI is working fine with the exception that it cannot communicate with the backend. :smiley:

Thank you for your help.

Hi @michael.koerber2 and welcome to the forum.

Please try to toggle the order (index number) of your rules.

Find more information about that in the docs:

Note: All matches happen in order so if you would set "com.calponia.networking.1.port": 3000 to 0 it would match it first and all traffic would go to this service without ever matching all following definitions!

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Sometimes it is really easy. Thanks for your hint. Now it is running as expected. Thanks for your effort and time.

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